Brandt Information Services

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Extends Contract 2 Years with Brandt for License and Recreation System

Brandt is thrilled to announce the two-year extension of our contract with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for the continued operation and enhancement of their online licensing and recreation system. Functioning as an all-encompassing hub, this platform acts as a focal point for the sale and provision of diverse outdoor recreational and commercial privileges. These privileges encompass hunting licenses, fishing licenses, permits, lottery management, integration of hunter education, streamlined customer and vendor communications, and advanced business intelligence dashboards.

The collaboration between WDFW and Brandt has been characterized by achievements, transforming the way licensing procedures are conducted, elevating customer interaction, and furnishing invaluable resources for business analysis.

“We’re honored to maintain our strong partnership with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, aligned with their conservation mission. Brandt’s platform empowers responsible outdoor engagement. Our commitment is steadfast in delivering innovative solutions and excellent service to WDFW and its constituents.” – Jeff Roberts, Chief Technology Officer.

Extending the agreement with Brandt equips WDFW to persist in refining the licensing system, incorporating additional features and improvements specifically designed to accommodate the evolving needs of license holders, vendors, and the broader community. This partnership reaffirms the shared commitment of both parties to utilize technology to enhance outdoor encounters, champion conservation endeavors, and efficiently oversee all the natural resources Washington State has to offer.

For more information about the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Brandt system, please visit

About Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the state’s fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

About Brandt Information Services
Brandt Information Services is a leading provider of innovative software solutions for government agencies and private organizations. With a focus on improving operational efficiency and user experience, Brandt offers a wide range of services, including licensing and registration systems, payment processing, and data management solutions. With a strong commitment to client success, Brandt continues to deliver cutting-edge technology to simplify complex processes and empower organizations to achieve their goals.