Archive for category: News

Optimizing Offline Functionality: Streamlining Field Operations 

Today, it seems nearly everyone has a smartphone in hand, from professional meetings to hunting in a deer stand. Mobile technology has become ubiquitous, a constant companion in our daily lives. 

Approximately 91% of adults in North America own a smartphone. (Source: Pew Research Center, 2023) 

Brandt’s mobile apps offer hunters invaluable tools for quick and convenient access to essential hunting resources. With just a few taps, they can purchase or renew hunting licenses, check regulations for specific game, and even digitally tag a deer harvest, eliminating the need for paper tags. This streamlined the hunting process but ensures hunters remain compliant with local laws while out in the field. 

Field Mode and Offline Syncing: A Better Offline App Experience 

When operating in areas with poor or no cellular connectivity, Field Mode and Offline Syncing provide a smooth, uninterrupted experience. When the system detects a weak connection, customers are automatically prompted to enter Field Mode, where data is saved locally on the device. Once reconnected to a stable network, customers are asked to exit Field Mode, and all offline data is automatically uploaded to ensure nothing is lost. For added convenience, users receive reminders if they forget to exit Field Mode and can manually toggle the mode on or off via the app menu. 

Similarly, automatic offline syncing allows users to maintain functionality without service, enabling access to synced licenses and continued submission of reports and e-tags. Once a connection is restored, all submitted reports are automatically uploaded, keeping users compliant without disruption. This seamless functionality is vital for those relying on outdoor apps in remote regions. 

Harvest Reporting and E-Tagging: Keeping Data Accurate, Even When Offline 

With offline sync features, customers can still complete the critical tasks of harvest reporting and e-tagging (also known as e-notching) while offline. The mobile app will provide a temporary Harvest Report ID. As soon as the phone regains connectivity (Wi-Fi or mobile data connection), the app will attempt to sync the information back to the system. If the initial attempt fails, it will continue to run syncing functionality until successful. This ensures compliance with regulations and keeps accurate data for conservation efforts.  

Harvest data is beneficial to biologists to gather information on species trends throughout the season, adjust season dates if necessary, and plan for where to focus conservation resources. Law Enforcement officers leverage the temporary Harvest Report ID to validate in the field as well as pattern harvest data by customer, county, and species characteristics for potential concerns.  

Law Enforcement App: Access to Local Data in Remote Areas 

For law enforcement officers working in the field, on-the-go access to customer data is key. Brandt’s Law Enforcement mobile app serves as the private Law Enforcement companion app to provide officers access to customer data in remote areas without service. When cellular signal is not available, the app stores a compressed local copy of the customer information locally on the device for officers to view Customer ID, name, hunter safety certifications, revocations, and currently valid licenses/permits. 

Law Enforcement App

Access to this customer data provides critical information for Officers to validate the customer’s offline mobile app information and reduce the opportunity for hunters to evade the law. Officers can quickly check customer data directly in their enforcement app be searching for the customer via name or ID, or scanning the QR codes displayed on the customer’s mobile app screen. The dual authentication of the public customer’s phone and the law enforcement app ensures the integrity of the conservation regulations are maintained. 

In an increasingly digital world, the integration of mobile technology is a game-changer for both hunters and law enforcement. Brandt’s suite of mobile apps enhances the hunting experience by simplifying essential tasks like licensing, regulation checks, and harvest reporting, while also ensuring data accuracy and compliance in even the most remote areas. With offline syncing, Field Mode, and specialized law enforcement tools, Brandt empowers both hunters and conservation officers to stay connected and informed. As the outdoors becomes more accessible through these innovations, hunters can focus on their passion while contributing to conservation efforts with ease. 

Boater Retention Since 2020: A Changing Landscape

Since 2020, Brandt’s customers have experienced notable shifts in demographics, registration trends, and retention challenges. Understanding these changes is crucial for our state partners to adapt strategies that sustain and grow their boating communities. As we analyze these trends, our focus remains on enhancing the experience and engagement of boaters within our partner states.

Trends in New Boat Registrations

One of the most significant trends since 2020 is the fluctuation in the percentage of new boat customers who have never owned a boat before. In 2020, 52% of new boat registrations were from first-time owners, slightly decreasing to 50% in 2021. However, in 2022, there was a resurgence to 53%, indicating a renewed interest in boating among novices. But 2023 saw a drop to 45%, suggesting a potential decline in the enthusiasm of new boaters.

This decline in first-time registrations could be attributed to various factors, including economic conditions and rising interest rates, which may be dampening the ability of new customers to enter the market.

Shifting Demographics: The Age Factor

The age demographics of boat registrants have shifted. In 2023, the average age for new vessel registrations was 49, down from 50 in 2022, showing a trend toward younger owners. Renewals averaged 56 years in 2023, a decrease from 60 in 2022, indicating earlier renewals or continued engagement from older boaters. These trends highlight the need to tailor marketing strategies to a younger audience while keeping long-term boaters engaged.

Vessel Registration: Timeliness Matters

One of the ongoing challenges in the boating industry is the delay between the time of purchase and the start of the registration application. On average, it takes 22 days for a customer to begin their application after purchasing a vessel. Moreover, the average time from sale to reporting a vessel is a staggering 280 days.

This delay is not just an administrative inconvenience; it has financial implications for the state. Unreported sales can result in customers using previous owners’ registrations, which costs the state money.

These trends and challenges point to several key areas for improvement:

  1. Enhance Online Processes: Simplify online applications and renewals to cater to younger boaters and speed up processing times.
  2. Promote Timely Reporting: Use targeted communication, like Georgia’s successful campaign, to encourage quicker reporting of sold vessels.
  3. Tackle Economic Challenges: Address the impact of higher interest rates on boat registrations to support sustained industry growth.

The boating industry is at a crossroads, with shifting demographics and economic pressures influencing registration and retention trends. By addressing these challenges head-on—through better online engagement, timely communication, and an understanding of economic factors—the industry can retain more customers and ensure continued growth. At Brandt, we’ve enhanced these processes by implementing a vessel onboarding email series, sending timely registration expiration and expired notices, and making it easier for customers to notify us online when they’ve sold their vessel. These efforts are helping our state partners improve boater retention and streamline the registration experience.

Dynamic Pricing: A Strategic Tool for State Park Reservations Revenue Management

In the evolving landscape of park management, the principles of revenue management – first developed in the 1980s – have become an indispensable part of ensuring the sustainability and financial health of park systems. Revenue management leverages data and analytics to predict guest behavior and demand patterns, aiming to maximize the revenue potential of a property while also enhancing visitor experiences. This practice has found a unique and valuable place within America’s state parks, offering the potential to optimize both revenue streams and visitation, provided park managers have access to quality data for informed decision-making.

One of the most powerful tools in the revenue management toolkit is dynamic pricing. Already widely adopted in industries like hospitality, airlines, and car rentals, dynamic pricing adjusts fees based on real-time demand, allowing park systems to capitalize on peak periods while maintaining accessibility during off-peak times. This approach is particularly relevant for park reservations, where factors such as seasonality, weather, and even special events can dramatically impact visitor demand.

Aligned Goals: Revenue Optimization and Visitor Satisfaction

Revenue optimization is a core objective of any dynamic pricing model, as well as visitor satisfaction and park access. This balance ensures that parks remain an affordable destination for a wide range of visitors, while still capturing additional revenue from those willing to pay more during high-demand periods.

As Edward Lampert said, “The entrance strategy is actually more important than the exit strategy.” In the context of dynamic pricing, this means that setting the right pricing model from the start, one that accounts for both visitor experience and financial sustainability, is key to long-term success. The objective should be to avoid drastic price jumps, such as the “First Increase Since” phenomenon, where fees remain stagnant for 5-10 years, only to rise suddenly and dramatically causing concern with visitors and PR issues for agencies. Gradual, data-driven pricing adjustments across a large number of reservations throughout the first fiscal year ensure that both revenue and visitation goals are met consistently over time.

Case Studies Highlighting the Success of Dynamic Pricing

Many state parks across the U.S. have already implemented these strategies with great success, providing a proven roadmap for others to follow.

  • South Carolina State Parks: Automated dynamic pricing was implemented before the COVID-19 pandemic, which fortuitously positioned the parks to benefit from a surge in demand during the summer of 2020. From Fiscal Year 2021 to 2024, camping and cabin revenue has increased 19%. This flexible pricing framework has continued to maximize revenue through high demand periods and maintain occupancy during slower periods.
  • Tennessee State Parks: Dynamic pricing has not only sustained revenue growth but has also proven the parks’ value to state lawmakers, leading to increased investment in park infrastructure and the development of new parks. This success has underscored the importance of dynamic pricing as a long-term revenue strategy.

Legislative Considerations

When seeking legislative approval for dynamic pricing models, it’s essential to speak in terms that resonate with decision-makers. By drawing parallels to established models in the hotel and airline industries, where price fluctuations are commonplace and accepted, parks can effectively argue for the adoption of similar strategies.

A Balanced Approach to Sustainable Park Management

For dynamic pricing to be truly effective, it requires an ongoing commitment from park managers. The success of such a system depends on frequent analysis, adjustments, and optimizations to ensure that pricing remains aligned with both demand trends and overarching park goals. This includes reviewing historical occupancy data, tracking booking trends, forecasting based on advanced reservations, weather conditions, peak demand dates, and considering local competitor rates and amenities. Parks can refine their pricing strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Dynamic pricing, when implemented thoughtfully, serves as a powerful strategy for maximizing revenue while maintaining the accessibility and enjoyment of America’s state parks. By aligning pricing with visitor demand and staying committed to continuous improvement, park systems can ensure their long-term financial sustainability while enhancing the overall visitor experience.

Matt Mitchell
Chief Revenue Officer
(850) 524-2424

Where’s My Federal Duck Stamp? Modern E-Stamps Available

On December 19, 2023, President Biden signed into law the Duck Stamp Modernization Act of 2023. This Act modifies provisions regarding the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, commonly referred to as the Duck Stamp, now allowing an individual to carry an electronic stamp for the entire waterfowl hunting season.

Read the full USFWS Article “Buy a Duck Stamp or E-Stamp” including regulations and how to contact the Duck Stamp Program Manager for state support.

On behalf of our state agency partners, Brandt has been working diligently directly with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) and Ducks Unlimited to ensure proper execution of The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Program.

Go Outdoors Georgia Sample Public Email Messaging

What You Need to Know

  • Customer can purchase a Duck Stamp online and it lives on their profile until the following June 30. This is different than the previous policy of the temporary digital stamp lasting 45 days only.
  • Amplex will not mail the physical stamps until after March 10 of the current Federal Fiscal Year. This is to prevent someone from having the digital version and the physical version which can be given to someone else.
  • The physical stamp will be mailed to the address that is on file at the time of purchase. This cannot be changed at a later date by the customer, as license system fulfillment files and funds transfers to Amplex are requested to maintain their preexisting delivery schedule.
  • The Federal Duck Stamp price increased on August 1, 2024 by two dollars to $25.00.
  • Customers can provide proof of licensure in accordance with the State’s policies (paper, email, PDF, App, etc) 
  • The state agency must be under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with USFWS to sell digital duck stamps.
  • Physical Stamps can still be purchased at USPS Post Office locations, as well as directly on the Amplex website,

The Brandt team met with state agency staff across the nation to seek feedback and engaged with the USFWS to clarify questions throughout the digitization process. This approach ensured a unified plan for as many states as possible, resulting in consistent public communications and a seamless user experience.

What to Expect

  • Public communication is key. Ensure consistent messaging is disseminated across the organization (from law enforcement to front desk staff) as well as publicly through social media, website, newsletters, and license marketing emails. See a sample email with FAQs
  • Even with proactive messaging, be prepared for more public questions and phone calls than previous years during the first hunting season live.
  • Consider updating your automated voice messaging to explain the new options available including a transfer to Amplex.
  • After the first year, we are projecting a decrease in customer calls regarding lost duck stamps as the digital version will be accepted the full fiscal year.
  • With the modernization better digitally matching an individual to a stamp purchase, we are projecting an increase in Federal Duck Stamps sold, leading to additional conservation funding.

The Duck Stamp Modernization Act of 2023 is a pivotal step in making conservation efforts more accessible. Electronic stamps remaining valid for the entire hunting season simplifies the process for new and longtime hunters. Brandt’s collaboration with AFWA, Ducks Unlimited, and USFWS aligned state and federal efforts to support consistent and effective wildlife conservation regulations.

To Summit All Up – The 2024 Brandt State Summit Successfully Wraps Up

Brandt’s 2024 State Summit in Nashville, Tennessee, recently concluded last week with outstanding success, emphasizing our dedication to fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth in the industry.

Held over three days, the Summit brought together more than 85 participants from 22 state agencies. Attendees engaged in a variety of thought-provoking sessions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities designed to address the current and future landscape of outdoor recreational solutions.

The Summit’s agenda was packed with diverse topics, ranging from the latest technological advancements to emerging trends and pressing challenges in the industry. Keynote speakers included industry pioneers and Brandt experts who shared their insights and experiences, sparking lively discussions and innovative ideas.

One of the highlights of the event was the round table discussions, where attendees could exchange knowledge, share best practices, and explore collaborative solutions. These sessions fostered a sense of community and mutual support, underscoring the importance of working together to drive the industry forward.

“Our team and the Brandt team have built trust together and this event continues that through the sessions as well as the social events each day.” – Brandt State Customer Attendee

The success of the 2024 State Summit was largely due to the enthusiasm and active participation of our partners. Their commitment to excellence and willingness to share their expertise made the event a resounding success.

As the Summit drew to a close, the energy and excitement were palpable. Participants left with a wealth of knowledge, new connections, and a renewed sense of purpose. The conversations and collaborations initiated during the Summit are expected to continue well into the future, laying the groundwork for next year’s event.

Brandt looks forward to building on this momentum and continuing to support our partners in achieving their goals. The 2024 State Summit was not just a milestone event but a stepping stone towards greater innovation and collaboration in the outdoor recreational industry.

Brandt’s 2024 Summit in Nashville, TN is Almost Here!

Brandt’s annual State Summit is set to take place from August 7-9, 2024, in the vibrant city of Nashville, Tennessee. This year’s conference will feature an array of presentations, round table discussions, and networking sessions designed to celebrate the milestones of our client partners and drive further innovation in enhancing the outdoor experience.

The Summit will bring together system managers and marketing leaders from Brandt’s state agency partners across the nation. It’s not just an event; it’s a celebration of our collaborative achievements over the past year. With keynote presentations from industry leaders, hands-on breakout sessions, and collaborative working groups, this year’s Summit aims to be our most engaging and informative yet. We have curated content to empower and inspire our partners, fostering growth and innovation.

This year marks a record-breaking attendance with over 85 participants, underscoring the growing interest and engagement in our initiatives.

Key presentation topics include:

  • Platform Roadmaps
  • Demand-Based Pricing with Reservations
  • AI in Digital Marketing
  • Expanding Product Offerings with Merchandise
  • The Financial Impact of Lifetime Licenses
  • Mastering Email Engagement Through Subscription Groups
  • What We Could Be Learning From County Reservations
  • Streamlining Boat Registrations, Renewals, & Reminders Online

In addition to the educational sessions, there will be ample opportunities for open discussion, allowing participants to connect with industry peers, share experiences, and explore new ways to enhance the outdoor experience. The opportunity to build relationships with fellow partners and the Brandt team is a highlight of the Summit.

“We anticipate a Summit that will be truly memorable. Whether you’re a returning participant or joining us for the first time, we promise an enriching journey filled with learning, growth, and camaraderie,” said Kelsey Hersey, Chief Marketing Officer of Brandt.

This event is an exceptional platform to explore crucial topics for our mutual success. From tech system implementation to data analytics, marketing strategies to product development, each component is essential for our collective growth. Through networking and collaboration, we can discover new opportunities, find synergies, and strengthen our partnerships.

Brandt Secures Three-Year Extension with Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

In a landmark move signaling a strong partnership and mutual commitment to innovation, Brandt, a leading provider of licensing solutions has secured a three-year extension with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC). Oklahoma’s decision to extend the partnership with Brandt for three years underscores the exceptional trust and satisfaction between the two entities.

“We are happy to announce the extension of our partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation,” said Alan Wise, Chief Customer Officer at Brandt. “This three-year extension is a testament to the successful collaboration and shared vision between Brandt and ODWC. Together, we have achieved significant milestones, and we are eager to continue driving innovation and excellence in licensing and merchandise solutions for the benefit of wildlife conservation efforts in Oklahoma.”

Brandt has been instrumental in revolutionizing the licensing, event registration and merchandise landscape for ODWC, offering cutting-edge solutions and unmatched service quality. Through this extended partnership, both Brandt and ODWC aim to continue elevating the standards of customer service and operational efficiency within the realm of wildlife conservation.

“ODWC is excited to extend our partnership with Brandt for the next three years,” stated Mike Chrisman, License Supervisor at Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. “Brandt has consistently demonstrated their dedication to our mission, and their innovative solutions have significantly contributed to our success in engaging with our community and supporting wildlife conservation efforts across the state. We look forward to building upon our achievements together in the years to come.”

Under the renewed agreement, Brandt will continue to provide ODWC with a comprehensive suite of services, including licensing management, merchandise creation, distribution, and marketing support. Leveraging advanced technologies and industry expertise, Brandt remains committed to delivering tailored solutions that streamline operations, enhance revenue generation, and amplify the visibility of ODWC’s conservation initiatives.

About Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
ODWC manages and protects fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing their community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.

About Brandt Information Services
Brandt Information Services is a leading provider of innovative software solutions for government agencies and private organizations. With a focus on improving operational efficiency and user experience, Brandt offers a wide range of services, including licensing and registration systems, payment processing, and data management solutions. With a strong commitment to client success, Brandt continues to deliver cutting-edge technology to simplify complex processes and empower organizations to achieve their goals.

Brandt Secures Contract with Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game for New Licensing Solution

Brandt, a leading provider of advanced technology solutions, is proud to announce its recent contract award with the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game (DFG). Under this partnership, Brandt will replace DFG’s current MassFishHunt licensing site to introduce an innovative licensing solution that streamlines the management of events, hunt/fish licenses, and communications across the state.

As part of the implementation, Brandt will deploy its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services, known as ATLAS, to enhance DFG’s engagement with stakeholders and constituents. This comprehensive suite of solutions underscores Brandt’s commitment to delivering end-to-end support and efficiency for organizations dedicated to environmental stewardship.

“We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game,” stated Jeff Roberts, Chief Technology Officer and Terra Project Manager at Brandt. “Our Terra platform, coupled with ATLAS CRM services, will empower DFG with the right tools to effectively manage licenses, engage stakeholders, and host successful events. We are eager to support DFG in achieving its mission.”

Brandt continues to strengthen its presence in the conservation sector, underscoring the company’s dedication to leveraging technology for the greater good.

For more information about Brandt Information Services and its solutions, visit

Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game
The Department of Fish and Game works to preserve the state’s natural resources. We exercise responsibility over the Commonwealth’s marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife species, plants, and natural communities, as well as the habitats that support them.

About Brandt Information Services
Brandt Information Services is a leading provider of innovative software solutions for government agencies and private organizations. With a focus on improving operational efficiency and user experience, Brandt offers a wide range of services, including licensing and registration systems, payment processing, and data management solutions. With a strong commitment to client success, Brandt continues to deliver cutting-edge technology to simplify complex processes and empower organizations to achieve their goals.

Brandt Information Services Welcomes New Equity Investment to Fuel Continued Growth as a Leading Technology Solutions Provider to Outdoor Recreation Market

New Investment from Providence Equity Partners Supports Brandt’s Ongoing Growth Following Highly Successful and Continued Partnership with NexPhase Capital

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. & PROVIDENCE, R.I. & NEW YORK–Brandt Information Services (“Brandt” or the “Company”), a leading provider of outdoor recreational technology platforms, today announced an equity investment from Providence Equity Partners (“Providence”), a premier private equity firm specializing in growth-oriented investments in media, communications, education and technology. As part of the transaction, NexPhase Capital, LP (“NexPhase”), a thematically driven and operationally focused private equity firm and current investor in Brandt, will retain equity in the Company. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The Company will continue to be led by its CEO Travis Warren and the existing management team.

Founded in 1985, Brandt provides innovative, modern, and secure technology solutions to public and private organizations with wildlife conservation and recreational management operations. With a variety of platform offerings including licenses, registrations, reservations, marketing and merchandising, Brandt is an all-in-one partner for outdoor recreational management needs, delivering best-in-class customer service.

Since NexPhase’s investment in 2018, Brandt has executed on its long-term growth objectives, including significant growth through organic product extensions and adding new agency partners, the strategic acquisitions of Terra Technology Group in 2022 and Itinio in 2023 and enhancing the Company’s operations in order to scale and to continue providing excellent service.

“NexPhase has been a great partner for Brandt during an exciting period of growth and innovation,” said Richard Wise, Founder and Board Member of Brandt. “Today, we are excited to build on the momentum delivering unparalleled solutions and experiences for outdoor enthusiasts by bringing in Providence to help us get to the next level of service for our recreational government agency customers.”

Brandt is a preeminent provider of modern software for outdoor recreational management needs. We look forward to partnering with Travis and the rest of the team to help advance their portfolio of solutions and services and support the development of new capabilities that help customers streamline their processes,”

said William Hughes, a Managing Director at Providence.

Joshua Selip, a Principal at Providence, added, “Brandt has a compelling value proposition and is well-positioned to address the evolving needs of outdoor recreational agencies and their consumers. We plan to bring Providence’s deep experience building technology businesses to help fuel Brandt’s growth in its next chapter.”

“We are pleased to have executed on our shared strategic objectives in partnership with the Brandt management team,” said Joel Killion, Partner at NexPhase. “At NexPhase, our mission is to unlock value and position the companies we partner with to navigate the ‘next phase’ of their growth. We are confident that Brandt’s expanded offerings and reach will continue to lead the industry and redefine how technology is deployed and utilized by outdoor recreational organizations during the Company’s next chapter.”

“Finding the right investment partners who share our conviction in powering the outdoor economy is crucial to our continued success,” said Travis Warren, CEO of Brandt. “We are grateful for the exceptional value, insight and resources the NexPhase team has provided in supporting our growth thus far, positioning Brandt to continue transforming the outdoor experience for our customers across the country.

We are excited to welcome the experienced Providence team as our new majority owners to help us grow and innovate for the benefit of our customers and our team.”

Shea & Company, TD Securities, and VRA acted as financial advisors to Brandt. Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP served as legal advisor to Brandt and NexPhase. Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated served as financial advisor and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP served as legal advisor to Providence. Capital One, N.A. and funds and accounts managed by HPS Investment Partners, LLC provided debt financing to Providence.

About Brandt
Brandt is a leading provider of licensing, registrations, reservations, and e-commerce solutions for the outdoor recreational market, providing simple, modern, and secure technology solutions to conservation agencies and their users. The company has successfully scaled in the outdoor recreational industry with products and services to support hunting, fishing, boating and camping transactions.

About Providence Equity Partners
Providence Equity Partners is a specialist private equity investment firm focused on growth-oriented media, communications, education and technology companies across North America and Europe. Providence combines its partnership approach to investing with deep industry expertise to help management teams build exceptional businesses and generate attractive returns. Since its founding in 1989, Providence has invested over $36 billion across more than 175 private equity portfolio companies. With its headquarters in Providence, RI, the firm also has offices in New York, London, Boston and Atlanta. For more information, please visit

About NexPhase Capital
NexPhase Capital is a thematically driven and operationally focused lower middle-market private equity firm that makes control investments in growth-oriented and capital-efficient companies within three distinct industry verticals: healthcare, software, and consumer. NPC partners with companies that have reached a growth inflection point and are seeking a value-added partner to help navigate the company’s “next phase.” The NPC team has extensive industry and operational experience and NPC’s partners have invested together for over a decade. NexPhase has completed over 100 investments, including add-ons, and targets control equity investments between $40 million and $150 million. Since inception, NPC has raised and managed approximately $2.6 billion of capital. For more information, please visit

Turkeys and Tactics: A Tailored Drip Campaign Success Story

As Brandt and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IADNR) geared up for another thrilling turkey hunting season, the team launched a marketing campaign designed to boost participation and to emphasize the importance of conservation by encouraging hunters to buy their spring turkey tags.

This email drip campaign guided customers through retargeting efforts based on their behavior, combining reminders for both the spring turkey preseason and season. The target audience, envisioned by the DNR, was tailored to fit the persona of a turkey hunter, informing the direction of the campaign. Hunters without an active spring turkey privilege and those who completed HuntersEd received the preseason email a week before the start of season 1. For those who had the mobile app downloaded and subscribed to notifications, a push notification was sent on the first day of season 1 as a reminder.

Leading up to season 2, an additional email was created and sent using Atlas’ WYSIWYG email builder to the same target audience, dynamically excluding those who had already purchased a spring turkey tag. Subsequently, at the commencement of season 4, a push notification was dispatched to individuals who had purchased a tag for seasons 1, 2, or 3 but had not yet acquired one for season 4.

Upon completion of the 30-day journey, a total of 566,000 emails and push notifications were dispatched, generating $7,617 in attributed revenue. The campaign achieved a 40.13% email open rate, a 5.4% push notification open rate, and a 1.04% click-through rate.

This targeted email drip campaign, meticulously tailored to the behavior and needs of turkey hunters, showcased impressive results. By strategically timing reminders and exclusions, coupled with dynamic content delivery, the campaign achieved significant engagement and revenue. As we continue to refine our approach, these insights will undoubtedly inform future initiatives, driving even greater success in our efforts to connect with and serve our audience effectively.