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The 2023 Brandt State Summit Wraps Up

Brandt Information Services’ annual State Summit in Richmond, Virginia concluded with tremendous success earlier this week, underscoring our company’s commitment to partnership, innovation, and transformation. 

The 2023 Brandt State Summit spanned three days and featured a diverse range of engaging sessions, breakouts and interactive workshops. The Summit explored the latest trends, breakthroughs, and challenges facing Brandt and the outdoor recreational licensing and reservations industry. Over 65 attendees across 15 of Brandt’s state agencies had the opportunity to network, collaborate, and gain valuable insights from each other, Brandt team members, and industry thought leaders.

“This conference had more meaningful and impactful information to someone who is in operations than any other conference I’ve been to in years.”

Brandt State Partner Attendee

The success of 2023 Brandt State Summit would not have been possible without the support of our partners’ licensing, reservations, boating, and marketing attendees. Their dedication and contributions played a crucial role in making this event a resounding triumph.

As the curtains close in Richmond, Virginia, participants are already looking forward to next year, eager to continue the conversations and collaborations sparked at the 2023 Brandt State Summit.